10L0L Golf Cart Sitzbezüge, Einfache Installation atmungsaktiv und waschbar Polyester Golfwagen-Sitzbezüge, universell passendes Zubehör für Club Car DS Precedent und Yamaha

Stilvolles Design: Der komplette 10L0L-Satz von Sitzbezügen verfügt über ein stilvolles zweifarbiges Design, das fließend anmutig modelliert und es einfach macht, Ihrem Golfwagen einen Farbtupfer hinzuzufügen und ihn luxuriös aussehen zu lassen. Und das Design mit voller Wickelkante kann Ihren Sitz besser schützen. Renew the Look & Protect the Seat: Using our seat covers can cover a few cuts in the original seat, make your golf cart look like new again, this is the best investment for your golf cart. And it can effectively prevent against dirt, wearing, scratches, indentations, the best choice for you. Durable Stretchy Fabric: Our golf cart seat covers are made from durable & comfortable breathable mesh cloth & polyester for maximum comfort during your daily drive, it is universal for all seasons - Easy to clean, machine washable, air dry. Fits Vehicles: Universal size is suitable for most Standard Club Car DS Precedent & Yamaha golf carts. If your seat has been thickened, widened and upgraded, please measure your cart seat size to ensure the covers fit. Easy Installation: This bench seat protectors includes 1 spring buckle and 2 third gear buckles to keep the seat covers in place. Very easy to install, only few minutes to be finished. If you meet trouble installing, please check our video.