BESPORTBLE Wetterfester Außenanschlusskasten Aus Robustem Kunststoff - 1-Fach Mit Schutzschalter Und Steckdose Ideal Für Garten Und Balkon 30x20x15 cm Schutzisoliert Grau

Weatherproof electrical boxes:the large capacity project junction box allows for holding charging sockets, making it convenient for outdoor use,weather proof electrical boxes Weather proof electrical boxes:suitable for use outdoors in all weather conditions, simplified installation and maintenance with an open design,splashproof boxes for outdoors Splashproof boxes for outdoors:the rainproof design of this electric vehicle outdoor charging protection box provides reliable protection for the socket and ensures its durability in outdoor environments,weather proof electrical boxes Outdoor enclosure:it can accommodate multiple electric vehicles for charging, making it ideal for shared charging stations,weather proof electrical boxes Long-lasting performance with sturdy stainless steel material, accommodates multiple electric vehicles for simultaneous charging.