Fox Fox Union Flat

Versand: 9,95 €
freedom and control in the step The brand new shoes Fox Union Flat catapult your mountain bike adventures to a new and more smooth level! The flat pedal version of the Fox Union remains sovereign & auml; n on the pedals, and if you do with too much pepper in a curve for f & auml; Spread out to stay on course. The Fox Union has been given by robust features, such as the shaped toe cap to protect against stone slap; With a light and pretrying cit, the low profile and a specially developed EVA intermediate sole for improved grip and cotton & uuml; hl offer these shoes more comfort when shredden. The power & uuml; So if you have to descend to avoid an upper tree, you are on the safe side. The sole from Ultratac & Trade; rubber composite ensures with its excluded & uuml. With versatile and unobtrusive style, the shoes Fox Union f & uuml; r the trail and have to create the & uuml; transition from the singlerack to beer according to the ride. Specifications: one -piece, hinge & szlig; tes cover material without n & auml; specially developed Ultratac & Trade;-rubber composite with exclusive profile for first-class grip and best & auml; specially developed Eva intermediate sole with a narrow profile for improved grip and cotton & uuml; hl shaped toe cap to protect against Steinschl & Auml; gen Formed internal stiffening plate for optimized power & uuml; TPU, Eva and rubber gr & ouml; & szlig; E & amp; Fit The standard pass form of the shoes corresponds to the normal shoe size; & szlig; e. The GRÖ & Szlig; The shoes offer an integrated low-arch-st & uuml; The optional High-Arch-St & Uuml; tzfunction f & uuml; r the fu & szlig;