OSALADI 1 Satz Ballondilatationszange balloon expander tool Zange für Konfetti-Luftballons Korkenzieher praktische Ballonzange Mundballonöffner Füllung Dilatator Suite Spreizzange Kind

🎈🎈 1 Set of Balloon Expansion Pliers Wide Mouth Balloon Expander Filling Confetti Balloon Tools Sequins Balloon Opener with Rubber Rings for Wedding Birthday Party 🎈🎈 Balloon Plier with Rings Confetti Balloon Opener Made by Stainless Steel, Rubber Material, Safe and Durable, Which Could Be Used for Very Long Time. 🎈🎈 Pliers Opener with Rings Balloon Mouth Expander Not Only for Balloons, Also Can Effectively Expand The Ring Opening and Save Your Effort, Very Practical. 🎈🎈 Bander Snap Pliers Balloon Expander Tool Features The Simple Structure, Which Provides Convenience and Easiness to Operate. 🎈🎈 The Balloon Filling Equipment Is Comfortable to Operate, Save Time and Effort, Great for You. You Just Hold The Pliers, The Balloon Opening Can Be Placed into The Ornament, Bring New Look for You.