Anlasser NEU 12V 2,20kW OE Nr 228000-1890 kompatibel mit HYSTER ISUZU Motor 4BJ1 TCM

Voltage [V]: 12, Power [kW]: 2,20, Number of Teeth: 9, Flange Diameter; [mm]: 95,00, Connection Type: CPS0099, Number of mounting bores: 2, , Type Duty: Industrial, Type Duty: Japan, Type Duty: Light Duty 1280000830, 1280000831, 1280000832, 1280000833, 2280000830, 2280000831, 2280000832, 228000189, 2280001890, 2280001891, 2280001892, 2280001893, 2280008040, 2280008041, 228000889, 2280008890, 2280801893, 1347064, 2314322, 3122813, 8941337582, 8941337583, 8941337584, 8941337585, 8970429792, 8970429970, 8970429971, 8970429972, 8971203560, 8971203561 8971203562, 8979410230, 2873K401, 128000-0830, 128000-0831, 128000-0832, 128000-0833, 228000-0830, 228000-0831, 228000-0832, 228000-189, 228000-1890, 228000-1891, 228000-1892, 228000-1893, 228000-8040, 228000-8041, 228000-889, 228000-8890, 228080-1893