Kurihina Kompatibel mit PZ20 70ccm Vergaser, passend für TaoTao Kazuma Baja 70ccm 90ccm 110ccm 125ccm NST SunL chinesisches Quad 4-Takt ATV Go Kart Pit Dirt Bike CRF50F XL75 mit Luft-Kraftstofffilter

Kurihina Compatible with PZ20 70cc Carburetor Fit for TaoTao Kazuma Baja 70cc 90cc 110cc 125cc NST SunL Chinese Quad 4 Stroke ATV Go Kart Pit Dirt Bike CRF50F XL75 with Air Fuel Filter Kurihina Compatible with Carburetor is suitable for most Chinese ATV Go Kart Dirt Bike, such as TaoTao,Coolster 70cc 90cc 110cc 125cc ATV Dirt Bike and Go Kart Horizontal Engine. Kurihina Compatible with Carburetor Kit Used on CRF80F 2004-2009 2011-2013 and CRF50F 2004-2009 2011-2012 Dirt Bike Engine Kurihina Compatible with Atv Pit Bike Dirt Bike Carb set with 35mm motorcycle air filter,Compatible with most 35mm motorcycles. Carburetor for Dirt Bike ATVs,and UTVs CRF XR 4 stroke under 125CC ATVs Chinese ATVs Kurihina Compatible with Fit for most Chinese brand carbs Go kart,Moped Scooter.Inner Diameter (intake side): 20mm, Outer Diameter(air filter side): 32mm,Mounting Center to Center: 48mm