Fox Raceframe Impact, Ce

Versand: 9,95 €
The completely newly developed raceframe impact is characterized by a tailor-made fit and also offers CE-certified protection for chest and r& uuml; The articulated design adapts perfectly to the k & ouml; Rper and ensures reliable & auml; The adjustable straps can be adapted to all of them, and thanks to the low profile, the protector & uuml; ber or under the jersey can be carried. The articulated design adapts to the KÖ Rper and offers maximum comfort through first -class lean; removable breast and r & uuml; uuml; slim profile and violation of construction for versatile wear under or & uuml; on the jersey shoulder strap and the federal government, with hidden fast action buckle lock for safe and easy optimization of the fit & nbsp; certifications according to CE EN 1621-2 performance level 1 certified r & uuml; according to CE EN 1621-3 performance level 1 certified breast protector