Heckfenster-Sonnenblende, Sonnenschutzblende, faltbarer Sonnenschutz mit einfacher Installation und sicherer Passform für ein komfortables Fahrerlebnis, 39,37 x 19,69 Zoll

Effective Sun & Heat Protection: This rear window sunshade blocks harmful UV rays and reduces interior heat, preventing sun damage and keeping your car cooler, even in hot summer conditionsEffective Sun & Heat Protection: This rear window sunshade blocks harmful UV rays and reduces Interior Heat, Preventing sun damage and keeping your car cooler, even in hot summer conditions Easy Installation & Secure Fit: Designed with strong suction cups, this sunshade attaches easily to the rear window, providing a setup and ensuring a firm hold without slipping or falling Foldable & Portable Design: The lightweight, design makes storage and portability effortless, allowing you to conveniently fold and store it when not in use, making it perfect for everyday use and travel Generic Compatibility: With a flexible fit for most cars, sUVs, trucks and van, this sunshade provides broad vehicle coverage, offering important protection for rear-seat passengers and pet from harsh sunlight Sturdy & Breathable Material: Crafted from high-quality, breathable fabric, this sun protector ensures long-lasting use while allowing some visibility through the rear window for safe driving and improved comfort